Whether you need to meet with one of our health care providers or our licensed counselor, scheduling a visit has never been easier. We also offer same and next-day appointments with in person and virtual visit options to meet you wherever you are.
Log in to MyChart or call the health center at 262.338.1427 to schedule an appointment.
Call 262.338.1427 to schedule an appointment.
Wednesday | 8:00am- 4:00PM
Wednesday | 3:00pm- 5:00PM
Online scheduling through MyChart is not available for behavioral health counseling visits.
Get care anywhere. Virtual visits are a safe and convenient way to get care by phone or secure video conference for a wide range of minor or chronic illnesses.
In addition to online scheduling, you’ll have the ability to manage your health online. To sign up, click the button below and click “Sign Up Now.” From there, enter your activation code or click “Sign Up Online” if you don’t have one. It’s that simple.
SIGN UP FOR MYCHARTCan’t find what you need? Contact our patient services team.