Order take-out from a local restaurant to help them stay in business. While you’re at it, make a list of your favorite restaurants offering take-out and share it on a local Facebook group.
Donate meals to hospitals
There are many restaurants offering meals to health care workers who are accepting donations from the community to help the cause.
Make or donate masks to your local hospital
Just be sure that your local hospital is accepting donations. There are many websites offering instructions for making masks and even some stores that are giving the supplies away for free.
Donate essential supplies
With the nationwide panic leading to a shortage of many supplies, families are struggling to find essentials such as baby formula, diapers and wipes in some areas of the country. If you have extra supplies that you no longer need, find a diaper bank or other place accepting donations.
Donate blood
Due to the cancellations of blood drives, the American Red Cross and blood centers are facing a severe blood shortage. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS to find a donation site near you.
Feeding America
With a nationwide network of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries, donations to the Feeding America COVID-19 response fund will help support food banks in communities affected by the pandemic. Find your local food bank on the Feeding America website.
Meals on Wheels
Delivers nutritious meals to the country’s most vulnerable seniors. Donations will replenish food supplies, subsidize additional transportation and personnel and enable tech-based efforts to check in on isolated elderly recipients. Find your provider on the Meals on Wheels website.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Provides meals, housing and support for families who have children with serious illnesses and must be away from home for long periods. The organization is repurposing spaces for health care workers on the front lines of the crisis. Learn more on the RMHC website.
Adopt or foster an animal
Local animal shelters and rescue groups across the country are reducing services and canceling fundraisers, but still need to care for their animals. The Humane Society of the United States suggests helping by adopting or fostering a pet, which will reduce the strain on shelters.
Walk a dog
Check in with seniors or those with underlying health issues and offer to walk their dog.
Try virtual volunteering
Opportunities are currently available through United Nations Volunteers or Translators without Borders.
Try viral kindness
You may have people on your street or in your apartment building who have to fully self-isolate because they have been in contact with someone who has the virus, or because they have the virus themselves. Use Viral Kindness postcards, made by a woman in England, that you can print and distribute to your neighbors and offer to help. Print your Viral Kindness postcard.
For more valuable advice on staying well throughout the pandemic, and to stay connected to others, we encourage you to join the QuadMed Well-being Facebook group or subscribe to the QuadMed YouTube channel, where you can find exercise videos and more to keep you active, healthy and engaged.
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