When we think of healthy eating we tend to think about food, but we often forget that beverages fall into this category as well. There are so many healthy beverage options available that serve multiple benefits, but there are some “not-so-healthy” options that we tend to overlook. Below are five things to limit or eliminate from your beverage consumption to ensure you are hydrating healthily.
Added sugars
Check the label of your drink! Sugar-sweetened beverages are a leading source of added sugar in our diets. Common sugars include high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, honey and maltose.
“Diet” drinks
They may have zero calories, but it doesn’t mean they are “good” for you. Diet drinks contain artificial sweeteners, acids, colors, artificial flavoring and additives. While diet drinks don’t need to be avoided altogether, you should try to limit your consumption of them.
Coffee condiments
Did you know that just one tablespoon of creamer and one teaspoon of sugar could add 50 calories to your morning coffee? Limit how much and how often you add sweeteners to your coffee to reduce the amount of “hidden” calories in your day.
Serving no nutritional value, alcohol is considered “empty” calories. Limiting your intake can save you hundreds of calories each week.
Energy drinks
While the boost of energy may be helpful, some other ingredients may not be. Like soda, energy drinks contain added sugars, dyes and acids that do not provide any nutritional value..
There is no harm in enjoying a sweet beverage or cocktail on occasion, but there is great benefit to moderation. By reducing the amount of “empty” calories we consume from these beverages above, we are allowing more opportunity to get those calories from nutrient-dense foods that will fuel our bodies more efficiently. Cheers to working towards a healthier life!
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