You wouldn’t start a long road trip with just a quarter tank of gas. Yet when you skip breakfast, you’re effectively asking your body to start your day on fumes. Eating breakfast jump starts your metabolism. It also benefits you in many other ways. According to Pat Buck, QuadMed Dietitian, studies have shown that people who eat breakfast:
- tend to snack less between meals
- eat fewer calories overall
- have an easier time losing weight
- have more strength and endurance
- have an easier time concentrating
In order to get the most out of your day’s first meal, Pat recommends including both protein and whole grains. (FYI: whole-grain foods list 100% whole grain or bran in their ingredients and contain at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.)
“It takes longer to digest protein and whole grains than it does to digest refined flours or sugary foods, so you’ll stay satisfied longer,” Pat said.
Here are some ideas for healthy breakfasts to try:
- whole-grain cereal topped with fruit and a cup of yogurt
- whole-grain waffles topped with peanut butter, fruit, or ricotta cheese
- whole-wheat pita stuffed with sliced hardboiled eggs
- oatmeal topped with cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, or cloves
- breakfast smoothie (low-fat milk or yogurt, fruit, and teaspoon of bran, whirled in a blender)
- vegetable omelet with whole-wheat toast and orange juice
- bran muffin and yogurt with berries
- hummus on whole-wheat pita and milk
“Eating a good breakfast may help you choose healthier foods the rest of the day,” Pat said. “You might develop cravings for unhealthy foods or you might overeat at lunch and dinner unless you’ve started the day right.”